7 ways to keep children active at school
With the February half term looming just around the corner, give yourself and your little one a giant pat on the back and let out a big triumphant breath! You have made it through half the school year already and summer is within sight. Time Flies!
Half term is a great time to let your children have some fun, be more active and generally let loose after a busy school term. But what happens when the holidays are over? Here at The Children’s Physio we often hear how difficult it is to keep your children active whilst they are in school and doing long days and with ever increasing busy schedules how can you ensure your child is getting the right amount of exercise?
It is recommended that children aged 5-18 years should be doing 60 minutes of exercise every day to stay healthy and keep fit. An hour on top of an already hectic school routine can be hard to find the time for, but exercising everyday doesn’t have to be a chore. Here are some ways you can encourage your child to keep active and exercise during the school day, whilst still having fun…
1) Getting to School
Avoid the dreaded school run! Instead of taking your child to school in the car or on the bus, encourage your child to walk or cycle to school. You could even talk to other parents who live close by and start a group so you can all stay fit and active and get to school together. After eating a healthy breakfast, exercising before school will help to stimulate brain cells and get your child alert and ready to learn.
2) School Bags
Here at The Children’s Physio we are often giving out lots of advice re the correct school bag for your child’s height and age. School bags filled with heavy books are often a major cause of back pain and fatigue in children. Do a quick check of your child’s school bag to make sure it is no bigger than your child’s back and that it has wide, adjustable straps. Make sure your child is only carrying what they need for each day to reduce the weight of the bag, you would be surprised how things can build up over time.
3) Posture
Being active keeps muscles fit and strong and protects your child’s joints. Weak muscles can lead to poor posture, and poor posture can cause severe back pain. In school encourage your child to sit upright in their chair with a straight back. Not only will this help them stay more alert in lessons but it will prevent them getting stiff and sore.
4) Make the most of Lunchtimes
Lunch breaks should be fun and a chance for your child to take their mind away from the classroom. The complicated maths class or confusing science lesson does not need to be dwelled on during lunch. Getting active and doing some fun activities can help them relax and refocus ready for the afternoon. Ask your child’s teacher what options there are during lunch breaks and encourage your child to take part.
5) Sports Clubs
Sports Clubs are a great way of keeping active, having fun, increasing self confidence and making friends. See what kind of clubs your school offers and sign your child up.
6) Outdoor games
Get ready to become temporarily unpopular and insist your child turns off the TV, puts down the computer game and goes outdoors to exercise. The outdoors will help keep your child fit and active, refresh their minds, improve their sleep and they can have fun with friends.
7) Movement breaks
Speak to your child’s teacher. It is advisable your child gets up to move and stretch during long lessons, this can help improve energy levels and prevent your child experiencing pain and stiffness.
Keeping your children fit and healthy can be more fun than you think. Do you have any suggestions that you have found work for you and your child? If so comment below and let’s get sharing ideas to keep children fit, healthy and happy!